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Big Co.Jones Breakers: Another Example of why "CHANGE" is good.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Another Example of why "CHANGE" is good.

Hmm, a very interesting report on coal, and the importance of it to our energy needs. Consider that 52% of all our energy comes from the burning of coal. Coal is considered a baseload energy, meaning it is always available, unlike solar and wind. Now please follow this next line of reasoning. If coal is responsible for 52% of all energy produced and consumed in the U.S. and if the transportation of caol via the railways account for between 50 -70% of the railroad traffic (depending on region), and is burned at over 6oo Coal power plants, how many jobs would be lost or negatively impacted by a "President Obama", initiative to bankrupt those companies. Does this sound like the kind of "CHANGE" our economy needs at a time like this.

But hey, if all the Obama followers' households would commit to decreasing their energy demands (9.5 tons of coal per year/ per household) by stopping video game playing, surfing the internet, watching "Lost", Sunday Football, or your favorite dvds, etc. I think we can make a real impact. Oh yeah and lets see how many other jobs would be affected. The gaming industry wouldn't mind if you cut back on energy consumption by not playing video games (Sony Playstation 3 and Wii won't mind not selling so many units). I'm sure Hollywood's biggest stars (cany you say Matt Damon) won't mind doing stage plays ($300 a week) instead of movies. They will surely sacrifice their $10 million per film, to offset the carbon footprint their "artwork" would have generated had their mvoies been bought on dvd and watched at home. I don't think circuit city, best buy, netflix, blockbuster, or even walmart will mind much if you cut back, and don't buy products that require the use of electricity. And certainly the mutal fund managers that hold these companies in your retirement accounts and 401(k), don't mind seeing negative growth.

So let's be crystal clear, energy is important for every single industry we have, no exceptions. So if you really think that it's smart to tax the coal companies and force them into bankruptcy, how many other industry will falter? You think wall street is shaky now, imagine when the earning reports come in after "President Obama", gives out candles and asks us to properly inflate our tires so that we can conserve energy.

Now I realize that we need alternate energy sources, and I'm not saying that we continue our dependence on fossils fuels, but to take any source off the table until it can be replaced by and equally usable, feasible, and cost effiecent alternative, is not only naive but also dangerous to our economy. Obama has asked for Change, and it's easy to see what he is all about, for he has CHANGED" his position on several issues.

So now I know that you are agents of "CHANGE", so I am asking you to do just that. Please "CHANGE" your mind. It's the wrong time for this kind of "CHANGE".

See, I told you "CHANGE" is good. So If you "CHANGE" your mind, America won't mind. Maybe Chris Matthews will be disappointed that he won't get that tingly feeling up his leg, and maybe the main stream media will be disappointed, but the vast majority of America wan't you to please "CHANGE" your mind.

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