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Big Co.Jones Breakers: November 2008

Monday, November 3, 2008

Another Example of why "CHANGE" is good.

Hmm, a very interesting report on coal, and the importance of it to our energy needs. Consider that 52% of all our energy comes from the burning of coal. Coal is considered a baseload energy, meaning it is always available, unlike solar and wind. Now please follow this next line of reasoning. If coal is responsible for 52% of all energy produced and consumed in the U.S. and if the transportation of caol via the railways account for between 50 -70% of the railroad traffic (depending on region), and is burned at over 6oo Coal power plants, how many jobs would be lost or negatively impacted by a "President Obama", initiative to bankrupt those companies. Does this sound like the kind of "CHANGE" our economy needs at a time like this.

But hey, if all the Obama followers' households would commit to decreasing their energy demands (9.5 tons of coal per year/ per household) by stopping video game playing, surfing the internet, watching "Lost", Sunday Football, or your favorite dvds, etc. I think we can make a real impact. Oh yeah and lets see how many other jobs would be affected. The gaming industry wouldn't mind if you cut back on energy consumption by not playing video games (Sony Playstation 3 and Wii won't mind not selling so many units). I'm sure Hollywood's biggest stars (cany you say Matt Damon) won't mind doing stage plays ($300 a week) instead of movies. They will surely sacrifice their $10 million per film, to offset the carbon footprint their "artwork" would have generated had their mvoies been bought on dvd and watched at home. I don't think circuit city, best buy, netflix, blockbuster, or even walmart will mind much if you cut back, and don't buy products that require the use of electricity. And certainly the mutal fund managers that hold these companies in your retirement accounts and 401(k), don't mind seeing negative growth.

So let's be crystal clear, energy is important for every single industry we have, no exceptions. So if you really think that it's smart to tax the coal companies and force them into bankruptcy, how many other industry will falter? You think wall street is shaky now, imagine when the earning reports come in after "President Obama", gives out candles and asks us to properly inflate our tires so that we can conserve energy.

Now I realize that we need alternate energy sources, and I'm not saying that we continue our dependence on fossils fuels, but to take any source off the table until it can be replaced by and equally usable, feasible, and cost effiecent alternative, is not only naive but also dangerous to our economy. Obama has asked for Change, and it's easy to see what he is all about, for he has CHANGED" his position on several issues.

So now I know that you are agents of "CHANGE", so I am asking you to do just that. Please "CHANGE" your mind. It's the wrong time for this kind of "CHANGE".

See, I told you "CHANGE" is good. So If you "CHANGE" your mind, America won't mind. Maybe Chris Matthews will be disappointed that he won't get that tingly feeling up his leg, and maybe the main stream media will be disappointed, but the vast majority of America wan't you to please "CHANGE" your mind.

****Breaking News**** Obama, Axelrod, and the Main Stream Media sweep the Oscars

Who is Barack Obama? The difficult part is dissecting what we know and what we don’t know. Unfortunately, the only evidence we have about Barack Obama is what his handlers want the media to know. To me it is the perfectly written script from Hollywood. I think Obama should win an Oscar, as Best Actor in a Drama. Axlerod wins multiple Oscare for Original Screenplay, Director, Producer, but probably the most overlooked and most appreciated Oscar will be need to be shared by The Main Stream Media, for they truly have made this movie the biggest box office hit ever. That award, Best Supporting Actor(s). Obama and Axelrod Couldn't have done it without their help.

The media loves Obama, Chris Matthews claimed to get a thrill up his leg, when hearing Obama, he also said he (Obama) is sorta a gift from the world to us. Another reporter said that “I think from a reporter’s point of view, it’s almost hard to remain objective, because it’s infectious”. This hasn’t led to the fair discussion and real scrutiny of background that is important for a presidential candidate. What bother’s me is the idea that it is somehow wrong to press him. Isn’t that the job of the media? The truth is the media has failed to be critical. For the media, it has simply become the atmosphere that is somehow more important to elect Barack Obama. CHANGE, UNITY, HOPE. Very powerful words but what do they mean? People focus not on what he says, but how well he says it. His followers claim he is the antidote to all that ails America, hailed as the political savior of our day

This may be a two or three parter and it will be long, my apologies, but I’ve researched more than I care to admit and here’s what you find when you peel back the layers. It is only when you peel back the layers of the hype that surround Senator Obama you find what he is about. Let’s start in Chicago. He’s spent what 18 or 20 years and no stories have resulted. Where are all the people standing up to endorse him from his days as a community organizer, a state senator, a law professor? What we do know is this: When asked what he wanted to do he stated he wanted to bring about change, he would say we need change and it’s not gonna come from the white house, its not gonna come from congress, its gonna come from the people.

After graduating Columbia University, he yearned for a connection to the great civil rights era. As described from the book dreams of my father he said I saw the African American community becoming more than just the place you were born or the house you were raised. Through organizing, through shared sacrifice membership had been earned. He spent three years trying to find his connection to the black community working as a community organizer. He moved to Chicago, as he described it the capital of the African American community in the country. He was hired in 1985 by some of the original disciples of Saul Alinsky (an anarchist, see his book “Rules for Radicals”) in his book, he describes taking action by community organizing. Gerald Kellman, was looking for someone to direct the Developing Communities Project, Inc. According to Obama’s book Kellman recognized that it would be very difficult for him being white to be a community organizer in neighborhoods that were almost entirely black. He began working the churches on the south side of Chicago to gain support for DCP, but he hit a road block he wasn’t religious. He was looked upon with suspicion by the preachers and leaders of congregations. It was during a meeting with one community pastors, that Obama was asked what church he attended. He responded that he didn’t, and one of the pastors told him if he wanted to ever be taken seriously as a community organizer he would need to join a church. He began to delve into the Christian faith. As a child, Obama had been exposed to Catholicism and the Muslim faith while in Indonesia, as well as other religions during his childhood, but his mother had not raised him to believe in any particular religion. Obama found that unlike his mother, he had a desire to become part of a community of faith. It was the African American religious tradition of working toward social change that cemented his move toward membership in Chicago’s Trinity United Church of Christ. Why this church? Why did he choose a church that found its strength in demonizing White America? Why would he be baptized, married, and raise his children in this church? I’m sure Rev. Wright had some positive sermons, but for Obama to say that he never heard those divisive comments, I just can’t believe. Especially since he claimed to attend service at least twice a month for 20 years, so that’s what 480 sermons? Well maybe I’m reading too much into the media hype, but someone once said you can put lipstick on a pig and it is still a pig.

As an organizer Obama was a largely a failure, he really produced no significant change, many of the campaign’s that Obama took credit for, other people were the main contributors for producing results. There are very few results Obama can point to and say this is what I accomplished as a community organizer. One of them was to bring a job training referral center to one of the neighborhoods he was in; the other was to remove asbestos from a housing project. There is still asbestos in that housing project today, and the neighborhood is still a rough place, jobs are very hard to come by. There has been no long term improvement from his actions as a community organizer. In fact, he writes that a lot of his activity was futile, and that the people in the community felt like nothing was getting done, and that his work was a waste of his time. Frustrated with his lack of change he decided a law degree was the way to make change. When that didn’t work out the way he planned he decided he needed a more influential platform to really make change, that platform - politics. At a fundraiser for the very popular state senator, Alice Parker, Obama was introduced as her likely successor. She groomed him to take her state senate seat when she ran for congress. However when she lost her congressional bid, she assumed her protégé would step aside and let her run for her old seat. Though a staunch ally, Obama followed self interest in true Alinsky style. When she filed to rerun for her state senate seat, Obama challenged each and every one of her 1580 signatures as well as those of his other challengers. Obama threw all his opponents off the ballot, that’s how he was elected to the state senate. He ran unopposed, in other words he was elected because he denied voters a choice.

While in the state senate his colleagues state that he was frequently late and often was consumed with his career as a law professor. Very rarely did he have an affect on change or public policy; he simply seemed to be more concerned with his future. He was not willing to support any reform initiatives for public education in the state, ever. He was said not to show unity or reaching out. The idea of Obama as a reformer based on his days in either the state senate of Illinois or the Congress, is something the media has eaten up uncritically. It is a great lie. Look at his record in Chicago, Springfield or Washington. Reformers don’t endorse people like Daly; they don’t vote for ethanol, they don’t vote for the bridge to nowhere, they don’t vote for the farm bill, reformers don’t push every bill that developer’s want through the Illinois legislature. He stood watch for the Chicago teachers union and the Chicago political machine and for their patronage, all at the expense of the students of the nations second largest school district in the country. And I bet you didn’t know but he voted against welfare reform in Illinois.

So when a real innovative legislation of policy change came around (welfare reform act of 1996) to try to actually change the situation, he was opposed to most parts of it, and actually worked to try and reverse a number of the things involved in the reform. He directly contradicted his campaign ad and he not only opposed but actively fought President Clinton’s reform while in the Illinois state senate. He exaggerates his role with many bills including the ethics reform bill that faced little opposition and was handed to him as a favor by his political godfather, State Senator Emil Jones. Additionally Jones took racial profiling and video taped confession legislation from the bills original sponsors and gave them to Obama, who today enjoys all the credit having done little of the work. So he does not have much of a record as a reformer.

As far as Obama’s 2004 bid for the vacant Illinois Senate seat, Obama’s challenger was Jack Ryan, considered the favorite to win the Senate seat, until the Chicago Tribune sued to have his sealed divorce records exposed (Funny, I don’t recall the media suing the L.A. Times to release the purported videotape of Barack Obama making nice with Ayers and Kalhlid in 2003). Anyway, after months of legal wrangling, and when it was revealed that his divorce papers revealed allegations of a sexual scandal, Ryan was forced out on June 25, 2004. It took the Republican party nearly 6 weeks to put another name on the ballot. That name was Alan Keyes, on August 4, 2004. With very little money and little time to mount a real campaign, Keyes was a sacrificial lamb. Obama essentially ran unopposed again, this time winning a Congressional Senate Seat. Just thought you should know how Obama got to be in the position to run for President of the United States; coincidence or divine intervention, or maybe even a little help from the Chicago Tribune.